The Beast will be 'missing in action ' for a few days.
CAFE C has crept up on us , and its all hands to the pumps . Move Mr C , the dogs and his chattels.Then get everything shipshape and bristol fashion for the Cafe opening.
Be Back soon with many a scandalous tale , I will be bound.
The WHAT will be missing in action?
Have you had another typing malfunction?
If your hand wasn't on your pump, maybe you could do a proper posting.
I repeat for the hard of hearing and the infirm(mj)
the B E A S T you daft old bat
If I hadn't pointed it out to you, your typing malfunction would have been there all day.
Everyone else would have pointed and laughed at you and not said a word.
I hope you get gas at Cafe C.
And furthermore, you can cancel my subscription!
Is Miss MJ having a tantrum ???
***snuggles up to MJ and looks contrite***
Look my lower lip is trembling in an attractive fashion so you forgive me
God bless Cafe C and all who sail in her!
mj, let go of beasts mizzen. i saw that.
Bristols are fashionable again? Who has Mr C got to officially open the place? Barbara Windsor?
You'll be bound? I guess that WILL make for some interesting stories lol.
Does Mr C pay you for all this work you're doing? Or does he have the goods on you because of some murky deed in your past?
I have forgiven you.
You may rise.
I've got a spare pump, if you've got the hands. You too, mj.
Miss FN . That MJ has terrible wandering hands. re the good ship Cafe C......have you seen Titanic ??
IVD - I have a marvellous pair , they never go out of style.
Lost , a little light bondage never goes a miss , so Miss MJ and Mr IVD tell me.
GB I get the pick of the swill bin(after the dogs Alfie and Lloyd of course).
MJ.....it wont last :-)
Champ . I will be too busy washing pots :-(
I've been a little MIA myself...moving is hell...and i am getting too old for this stupid crap...i just hate anyone doing it for me...perhaps i need to either stop moving or get rid of everything that doesnt fit in my suitcase...hmmm...
I shall be arriving at about 9 ish with the 72 cans of special brew and a large baggie of dope as requested... I hope I am not sleeping in the shed with that wrestler like last time. Really I am too old for all that..
Joe Turner called and said..
"Get in that kitchen, make some noise with the pots and pans!"
He said that you should, and I quote,
"shake, rattle and roll"
We will be counting the minutes until your return.
HEY EVERYONE: beast is gone! lets all break in and try on all his clothes!
dibs the ice cream shoes!!!
...*struts past mirror wearing Batman mask and Ted Nugent 'coontail found in Beasts 'special hiding place'*
I found his nose hair trimmer.
And his Epilady.
I am so Knackered and filthy . Will someone hose me down please
What is that really code for? LOL
*preparing hurricane scrubbers and power jets to pressure clean The Beast*
*followed by a nice sheep dip*
*nails beast from beneath the china hutch with a painball rifle*
*quickly whips out supersoaker and washes away all evidence*
*dissappears in ninjalike fashion leaving only a roomfull of puzzled expressions in her wake*
well the inflatable Beast Decoy *
kept Miss FN & MJ occupied for a few hours while I got a well earned rest.
*Mail order from the Acme Rubber Love Dolly Co... order early to aviod dissapiontment
You are spending so much time replying to comments that you may as well blog!
Hope the cafe goes well and you don't get too worn out with all the preparation!
Had you thought o joining NATO? I have ...
Its almost all over I hopefully will have the time to post properly tomorrow :-)
Losing patience here!
*starts rifling through Beast's lingerie drawer*
Well, Beast. I do hope you managed to get some well earned rest. Moving day is the pits.
Hopefully- you didn't get Gorden Ramsay to help with the kitchen staff or the palace may never open. Just do not serve up Ma Beasties, Curry Surprise on the first night and you will be fine.
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