Beast's Book Club has a lot to answer for.
I suggested this book as a little light bedtime reading for the Beastliness regulars.Sadly the boys seem to have taken it to their hearts and have been bombarding the Beast with pictures of them getting in touch with their femenine sides.
The Beast is hoping to restore order with next months offering of Conan the Barbarian , till then I will be locking my doors and windows ,and only going out to well lit places.
Now here are the 'Girls'

Frobisher , Mutley and Inner Voices enjoy an afternoon of shopping.
A bit overdressed for Aldi in my view , but girls just want to have fun.

Freakishly tall IVD , snapped 'trawling' Norwich Docks.
Hoping to catch something more than crabs in those fish nets
Hello Sailor !

Just in case your confused , this is what a real woman looks like . Miss MJ casually dressed for a quiet night in
it might be Old Knudsen ready for a night of bingo.(I got some of the pictures mixed up).........
well have you ever seen both of them in the same room ???
Damn, MJ has never looked better. No wonder all the men of Canuckland are lusting after her.
I shall clear up the mystery by saying that Ms Mj has a restraining order against me......... isn't she just lovely :::::::::::sigh::::::::::::::::
It's obvious Knudsen and I aren't the same person if that's what you're alluding to.
Knudsen's willie is much bigger than mine.
I think you and Mr C are the same person. It must be very therapeutic for you to yell (as Mr C) to yourself and then (as Beast) to feel hard put upon and look to us for sympathy.
It's my turn to pick the next book for our book club, by the way.
They have talent! Will they be auditioning for ugly sister roles?
Just Bob said...
Damn, MJ has never looked better. No wonder all the men of Canuckland are lusting after her.
Blondes have more fun !
Old Knudsen said...
I shall clear up the mystery by saying that Ms Mj has a restraining order against me......... isn't she just lovely :::::::::::sigh::::::::::::::::
Unrequited love is a terrible thing Old K ***big sigh***
MJ said...
It's obvious Knudsen and I aren't the same person if that's what you're alluding to.
I made that bit up , for pure devilment
Knudsen's willie is much bigger than mine.
Too much info
I think you and Mr C are the same person. It must be very therapeutic for you to yell (as Mr C) to yourself and then (as Beast) to feel hard put upon and look to us for sympathy.
Bugger ,I never noticed much sympathy , but yelling at oneself sounds kinda fun
It's my turn to pick the next book for our book club, by the way.
not if itsa book flabby old willies
Gorilla Bananas said...
They have talent! Will they be auditioning for ugly sister roles?
Mr GB , they are like Charlies Angels....err kind of
well since ive been outed... girls just wanna have fun i suppose... dont you just love what ive done with my hair...
*sighs relief, that he wasnt the one caught in the bikini*
Don't forget Joseph McCarthy!
Devilment be damned.
Someone needs his botty smacked.
Ooh, MJ is offering up spankings???
you know, just trying something new!
Just Bob said...
Don't forget Joseph McCarthy!
Bugger it something else I have to remember now
MJ said...
Devilment be damned.
Someone needs his botty smacked.
You will have to catch me first
***waggles backside at MJ and runs off
Just Bob said...
Ooh, MJ is offering up spankings???
Its the same old Norwegian fish slapping Mr Bob
you know, just trying something new!
and it really suits you MrVoices
And I'm using a herring this time.
Herring... may I suggest snapper instead???
HOw dare you
Miss MJ isnt a slapper
Oh sorry you said snapper
has anyone seen my gaff and falsies? i thought I left them in Frobi's bathroom after the bukkake 'shooting for distance' tournament but it might have been Voices kitchen too...i recall a pot plant with a purple boa and a woman in a tutu telling me to 'be who I am' and then it's all a blur until I woke up in the emergency room covered in hickies and vaseline.
May I suggest, as the next title up on Beasts book club, something taken from the literary offerings of that wacky loveable goofball Ed Wood?
...Ed Wood, that is...
Nations: Do you remember Frobisher's Soggy Biscuit tournament?
Good times.
I get the ugly one.
Miss Nations , ~I think we will play it safe next time , I would say a bit of Jane Austin but that would only result in the boys throwing on something with an empire line and swooning all over the place . A DIY manual would over excite the lesbians , there would be more utility belts and power tools than you could shake a stick at.......its a dilemma.
Have you been 'dunking'(a great british pastime) with Mr Frobisher Miss MJ ???
Champ , you may find yourself spoilt for choice
Mr Frobisher looks rather lovely in his pic.
Where is your pic?
Miss Liz , The Beast in a dress.....ha ha ha ha ha ha........never going to happen :-)
I am quite proud - |also have some photos of myself and Mr Beast which I shall publish as soon as I can find how to get them off my phone... also Mr F,obiously....
There's nothing better than a lady with a mustache.
Maybe that's why we like you so much!
There is nothing ladylike about me Stevie.
Oh my goodness! I've got a frock just like tha- I mean, How VERY dare you!
Crabs are so cheap. Only lobsters pour moi!
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