The Beast has spent the last couple of weekends doing hard labour for friends.
Gardening with Mr C last weekend and smashing up concrete and stuff for my mates Al and the lovely Nicola this weekend . I quiet enjoyed it as it happens.There is something very satifying about going wild with a sledgehammer and getting absolutely filthy , Its a simple pleasure that we dont do enough of as adults . I collapsed in a sweaty , besplattered heap , gutsed BBQ's sausages and burgers and quaffed wine , I could relax in the knowledge that I had earned the grub , drink , a good hot shower and I night of innocent slumber :-) .
Popped over to see Mr C , who was very mono sylabic , I was about as welcome as a dose of crabs :-( .......still the dogs enjoyed seeing me :-)
Ma and Pa Beasty are about to arrive , Ma Beasty has promised to make her ' brave little soldier' a special sheperds pie.....yum , I have been texting my brothers to tell them and started a right rumpus about favourtism.every old childhood injustice is currently being dragged out into the light of day..get a grip boys its only a delicious mix of lamb and spuds.....AND ITS ALL MINE....he he he