Sunday, 30 March 2008


Feeling a bit like this after all that winter comfort food ???
Beasty is launching the Loose those love handles challenge ready for the summer
Whose up for it ???


The Mistress said...

I don't need to lose an ounce.

However, I would enjoy administering the birch switch to your bare buttocks for every pushup you fail to perform to perfection.

BEAST said...

Stop sucking that gut in MJ , cast asside those donuts and join us for step aerobics :-)

Gorilla Bananas said...

Love handles? Love pillow, mattress and duvet more like. Her mother mated with a walrus. We have a jungle aerobics course for any woman who needs to lose weight. Guaranteed to leave her as tight as a drum.

Anonymous said...

walking to the nearest pub doesn't constitute an exercise program.

Anonymous said...

Gorilla Bananas said...
Love handles? Love pillow, mattress and duvet more like. Her mother mated with a walrus. We have a jungle aerobics course for any woman who needs to lose weight. Guaranteed to leave her as tight as a drum.
Mr Bananas , can you imagine this lovely swinging thru the tree's ????

Anonymous said...

Pink Drama said...
walking to the nearest pub doesn't constitute an exercise program.
You could prehaps try jogging instead Miss Pinky ????

Liz Hinds said...


Liz Hinds said...

Me I mean.

Frobisher said...

Count me out - I'm streamlined like a racing snake!

FirstNations said...

*brandishing burrito* I'm in!


AS LONG AS I CAN DRINK BEER.... oh and drink whiskey when we break.

Anonymous said...

beast - you know i meant you. i saw you out on your supposed jog. running to the nearest pastry shop is what i saw you do.

The Mistress said...

Who let Inner Voices in here?

He'll steal your fat girlfriend and eat FN's burrito.

BEAST said...

Liz - hurrah. Choose a diet and a bit of excercise and let us know what your doing
Frobisher , I have one word for you

FN the king of snacks , I am convinced its that salad garnish that does the damage.Cast aside that lettuce and tomato

Voices. Beer and whiskey are almost perfect nutrition , served with a burrito float and a donut healthy extra those excess pounds will just fall out of your bottom errr I mean melt away.

Pinky . You need a light snack when jogging to keep those energy levels up. You must constantly be on your guard against low blood sugar levels.

Miss MJ , its ok voices is too drunk to do much of anything. First nations is boot blacking his genitals before he comes round....what fun :-)

Anonymous said...

I believe its Mr Hitch Mr M :-)

BEAST said...

How Rude ! Mr Hitch a bottle blonde I dont believe it

Mr Gaskins Curiosity Emporium said...

Does a pack of biscuits and home made cider only count as a diet?

BEAST said...

MJ. They have 'flexible' views in west Dorset....bst not to stare.

Mr G , do you dunk your biccies ???

The Old Tarf said...

I am game to lose some weight. Going to weigh in at weight watchers. Will let you know in due course.

Is that one of those wrinkle dogs?

Anonymous said...

I gave up smoking cigarettes in the charming parlance of Canada....

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