Friday night was the Dorchester Christmas Cracker fundraiser . The Dinner Ladies (a local band not the usual pile of tits and attitude found behind the canteen counter) were headlining the Cafe C stage supported by our beloved Frobisher reprising his glittering cabaret show Crap Bingo with Mavis
Friday morning dawned and the distressing news reached a nervous Mr C that Frobisher was Ill.
Possibly too ill to perform
But being the leathery old trouper that he is ,wild horses and a dropped lung wouldn't keep a terrible old lovey like Frobisher from that stage .

Pictured left: an ailing Frobisher is airlifted into Cafe C determined that he would not disappoint his army of fans fan .
It all turned out rather well , Frobisher strutted , preened and even called the correct numbers (lesson learned , keep the gin bottled locked away until after Frobishers set) .
The dinner ladies did a rollicking couple of sets , then sadly fell foul of Mr C's cocktails , went all rock and roll and started smashing up their instruments in a frenzy of over excitement and in the blink of an eye it was chucking out time as the merry revellers were turfed out in the street with Mr C's jovial farewell of LEAVE NOW OR I WILL SET THE DOGS ON YOU .
Saturday night we did it all again , minus Frobisher who had taken to his bed with a fit of the vapours :-)
Was the organ damaged?
Eat some chicken soup, Frobisher! Get well soon!
I hope you've stocked the smelling salts should Frobisher have the vapors again.
MJ said...
Was the organ damaged?
I didnt see an organ Miss MJ , your imagining things
eroswings said...
Eat some chicken soup, Frobisher! Get well soon!
Dont encourage the big girls blouse Mr E
I hope you've stocked the smelling salts should Frobisher have the vapors again.
I was thinking wiring him into the mains might be more fun
What an inspiring story of pluck and determination in the face of adversity.
Now I have been 'outed' at MJ's place I shall be joining the fun at Cafe C very soon.
KAZ said...
What an inspiring story of pluck and determination in the face of adversity.
Now I have been 'outed' at MJ's place I shall be joining the fun at Cafe C very soon.
All are welcome at Cafe C Miss Kaz , and we do some marvellous vegetarian stuff
You forgot to mention that I did the bingo in full drag and 4 inch heels!
It did seem a good night, but I was v. ill - still feel a bit iffy. I think I may have had swine flu.
seriously, you do not want to get the swine flu. get the rock cornish game hen flu instead. just make sure your butcher spatchcocks it first.
*steals ratsos posh heels and runs through a cowpasture*
If he ever finds himself again, I can put him in touch with a lady who does an act with a python. Sounds like he needs all the support he can get
Frobisher . You only had to dress in full drag since you were unfairly outed as a raving drag queen in the press , and now have to live up to your billing(This is true).
FN . Dont encourage the blighter , tough love is what he needs .
welcome Circus Monkey , I will be round a visitng blogs when I get a bit of time .
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